/Billing and Coding

Fundamentals of the Medicare Program

Looking for help with the fundamentals of the Medicare Program? This NEW web-based training (WBT) course from the Medicare Learning Network (MLN) can help! The World of Medicare WBT is designed for health care professionals who want to understand the fundamentals of the Medicare Program. After completing this course, participants should be able to differentiate [...]

By |January 22nd, 2010|Billing and Coding, Compliance, Medicare Billing|0 Comments

ICD-10 Update

The October 1, 2013 deadline for ICD-10 codes is going to be here quicker than we think. The sooner we start to prepare for it, the better. There is already a lot of information available about ICD-10’s including training sessions and webinars. The ICD-10’s are more complicated than the ICD-9’s and many feel that the [...]

By |January 12th, 2010|Billing and Coding|0 Comments

Tips on Diagnosis Coding

It is important to  make sure that your diagnosis codes are correctly identifying the condition you're that you are treating.  Not to mention it is 'must' for your documentation  to a third party payer. Following are the most important tips regarding diagnosis that are so often missed and can mean the difference between a paid [...]

By |January 4th, 2010|Billing and Coding|0 Comments

97140 Denial

Question: I am getting denied for 97140 when I bill it with an adjustment. What can I do? Answer: When billing 97140 with an adjustment, you will first have to use the modifier -59 which indicates to the insurance company that this service (97140) was done on a separate region of the body other than [...]

By |December 30th, 2009|Billing and Coding, Questions and Answers|0 Comments

Report of Findings

Question: We would like to start billing for report of findings using the proper documentation. We would also like to go through the past year or so and bill for all of the previous reports as well. How legal is this and is there an expiration on how far back I can bill? Answer: “Report [...]

By |December 30th, 2009|Billing and Coding, Compliance, Questions and Answers|2 Comments

Laser Therapy

Question: Is there a code for laser light therapy? Answer: There is no accurate and current CPT code for "laser" treatment, providers should use the S8948 HCPCS code for "Application of a modality (requiring constant provider attendance) to one or more areas; low level laser; each 15 minutes." This is our first choice and recommendation. [...]

By |December 30th, 2009|Billing and Coding, Questions and Answers|0 Comments